Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rolling the Ball

You've heard the saying, you've got to "get the ball rolling?" Well, I'm okay at that, it's what comes next: Rolling the ball. So I'm jumping into this blog with both feet, building up momentum to "keep the ball rolling." My Facebook friends will have to forgive me and hopefully they won't tire of me or worse ignore me altogether. But don't we all look for affirmation and acceptance? I know I do! I think that's why I so easily get discouraged, because we are so busy trying to make it in our own lives that we don't understand the importance we have in the lives of others.

Lord, I want to take a step,
To roll the ball along the path,
To stride into the life you've kept
Preserved and hidden in your grace.

To find the key, unlock the door,
To see in truth this life you shape.
With all my heart to want you more
And from my heart reflect your light.

(Look, the wrong lines rhyme, that's why they call it poetic license.)     :)

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