Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Year's End

Christmas is over and the new year approaches. I find myself tremendously happy and satisfied.

We made sacrifices and worked hard to make our home warm and inviting, we gave generously to our family and poured out our love with food and gifts. Because I am married to a loving, generous man, I am learning from him every year. I choose to be generous, I choose love over worry. I know it is not the amount you spend but the choice to give of yourself, to think of others first.

I am grateful for my many blessings, especially my family, my friends, my home, and my job. I am blessed with a new son-in-law this year and the provision we had to bring our family to Hawaii for the wedding. I am at peace with this year and look forward to the next.

I pray God will touch your life. and you will know it is Him at work and remember to thank Him, not just for His blessings but for His wonderful love.

Grace and Peace,

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