Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's on the Menu?

I was chatting with a friend and I was complaining about my being stuck, listing all the wonderful things I would like to be doing.

In the past I would be condemning myself for time wasted playing on the computer or watching TV. Or my poor eating habits like eating cookies or drinking tea with sweetened soy creamer. But I am allowed to do these things; I am free to do these things.

So now I look at it in a new way. I compared it to adding things to my menu. I told her I wanted to put more choices on my menu, healthier choices. So even if I add only one new choice into my day I will feel good.

Today I am adding writing in my blog. Oh, and I went back to the gym for the first time in two months! I will still play on the computer and I still have to go to work but I feel less stuck.

Tomorrow I may choose to eat asparagus with my dinner or drink water instead of pop. The choices are endless.

What will you add to your menu today?

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