Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

A boy and his dog
Went for a walk
In the morning fog

They came to a log
And decided to stop
The boy on the log
And the dog on top

They decided to talk
Tho' the dog could bark
And the log had bark
Neither the dog
Or the log could talk

So the boy and his dog
Continued their walk
In the morning fog

Next on their walk
They came to a creek
And sat on a rock

The boy started to speak
The dog started to bark
The boy took a peek
Under the rock

And their was a mouse
Who had started to squeak
From his little mouse house

The boy wanted to talk
The mouse said "squeak-squeak"
The dog said "bark-bark"
Neither the creek
Or the rock could talk

So the boy and his dog
Continued their walk
In the morning fog

The boy wanted to talk
But no one could be found
So he went back by the rock
With the mouse in the ground

And went past the creek
Past the log that had bark
But can't speak

Back to his home
Back to his room
Back to his Mom
Where he talked clear til noon!

He talked of his walk
With his dog and the log
And the creek and the rock
And the mouse in his house

And when all had been said
With his dog in his lap
He nodded his head
And they both took a nap

Sandy Blackburn 11/14/2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's on the Menu?

I was chatting with a friend and I was complaining about my being stuck, listing all the wonderful things I would like to be doing.

In the past I would be condemning myself for time wasted playing on the computer or watching TV. Or my poor eating habits like eating cookies or drinking tea with sweetened soy creamer. But I am allowed to do these things; I am free to do these things.

So now I look at it in a new way. I compared it to adding things to my menu. I told her I wanted to put more choices on my menu, healthier choices. So even if I add only one new choice into my day I will feel good.

Today I am adding writing in my blog. Oh, and I went back to the gym for the first time in two months! I will still play on the computer and I still have to go to work but I feel less stuck.

Tomorrow I may choose to eat asparagus with my dinner or drink water instead of pop. The choices are endless.

What will you add to your menu today?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Realness of God

I was sitting in church after having missed three Sundays, thinking about how distant I felt from God, and how many struggles I had been facing. The songs we were singing about His greatness, His power, His glory, I had sung many times and truly felt them but this day, did I really believe it? So I began to pray. Somehow I had managed to allow my own weakness, my own doubts to diminish my view of Gods abilities. The measure of my current faith does not change Gods nature. He is God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. My inability to know everything about Him and His ways doesn't make Him small, illusive, reclusive or even fictitious. He is knowable and I believe it is my own distraction that  prevents me from feeling His loving presence and His desire to be present in my life. Maybe I have been focusing too much on the negative spaces, the shadows, that I forget God is alive and active and willing. I do feel I am in a rut. I lack direction, motivation, joy, and a positive attitude. I find myself wanting to hide, to disconnect and just be free of stress; but what I'm finding is I don't come to any resolution, I just feel stagnant and bitter.So understanding that my minuscule faith does not diminish Gods ability, I will plant my "mustard seed" size faith and know He is able to grow it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I just needed to post something, anything. I have been long overdue to write something. I want to come back to this. Sometimes we go off into the silence and let the noise of this life drown out any real thought we might have.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rainy Days

Rainy days are for reading books,
and sipping tea.
They are for slippers and cozy robes
clear into early afternoon.
And they are for permission to say,
"Tomorrow is a new day."

Sandy Blackburn 2/9/12

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Song of the Broken

The song of the broken, the song of the broken, God has laid this on my heart. Will it truly become the inspiration for a new song? Or maybe just a new poem? I'm not sure. But this I know, if he is repeating it to me over and over, it is on his heart. For he hears the song of the broken, and he longs to comfort those who mourn; to lift up their chin and bring restoration and hope.

For this I am truly thankful.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


A story lies within my soul and I can't begin to write the lines.
There's life and love and joy and hope and victory over troubled times.

There's power that comes down straight from heaven and faith that stands as firm as stone.
And of this one thing I am certain, I will not write this story alone.

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Only in You

There is this soft place.
This comfort and solace.
Not found in this world.
Only in You.

I'm known there.
There is hope there.
Where peace lives.
Only in You.