Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

A boy and his dog
Went for a walk
In the morning fog

They came to a log
And decided to stop
The boy on the log
And the dog on top

They decided to talk
Tho' the dog could bark
And the log had bark
Neither the dog
Or the log could talk

So the boy and his dog
Continued their walk
In the morning fog

Next on their walk
They came to a creek
And sat on a rock

The boy started to speak
The dog started to bark
The boy took a peek
Under the rock

And their was a mouse
Who had started to squeak
From his little mouse house

The boy wanted to talk
The mouse said "squeak-squeak"
The dog said "bark-bark"
Neither the creek
Or the rock could talk

So the boy and his dog
Continued their walk
In the morning fog

The boy wanted to talk
But no one could be found
So he went back by the rock
With the mouse in the ground

And went past the creek
Past the log that had bark
But can't speak

Back to his home
Back to his room
Back to his Mom
Where he talked clear til noon!

He talked of his walk
With his dog and the log
And the creek and the rock
And the mouse in his house

And when all had been said
With his dog in his lap
He nodded his head
And they both took a nap

Sandy Blackburn 11/14/2012