Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What We Will Face

What we will face
Can't be foretold
No promised bliss
As we grow old
In life are trials
That we will face
As we learn to lean
Upon His grace
And trust the One
Who gave His all
That we will stand
After we fall
That joy and peace
Do not depend
On conquering that
Which we contend
That choosing love
Is always best
And at our end
He is our rest.

I wrote this in honor of my friend and co-worker who lost her husband at the beginning of this year and is facing the holidays for the first time without him. Today was his birthday.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Out of the Grey

Out of the grey and drizzly day
The rat-a-tat-tatting on the roof
Inside of my darkened home
I fell so dreary and aloof.

Though I do not come this way
Willingly by conscious choice
So it is as I face this day
I must stand and raise my voice!

For I'd rather that, out of the blue,
Feel joy and great anticipation
Of what this day could possibly bring
Upon my further observation.

For is this not, as each before,
A day the Lord has made?
And won't He take this mourning
Giving me dancing as a trade?

So I will step out of the grey
Into the light of God my King.
And I will choose to stand and shout
And dance and jump and laugh and sing!