Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today I Listened

I was working out at the gym today listening to my I-pod to Vicky Beeching singing "Listening". (Please note, I deleted my youtube links so I don't infringe on any copyright laws. Please feel free to search for them yourself.)
And I decided to listen.

What I heard God asking me was, "Did I come to judge or did I come to bring life?"

So off to Bible Gateway I go and enter in the search "give life" and "come judge". Look at John 6:33 and John 10:10. Also John 12:47.(It's important for you to see for yourself and not just take my word for it.) My conclusion is Jesus came to give me life.

So now comes the question, "Why did God ask me that question?" I have been judging my walk lately and find I am coming up short in the time with God department. I have also been judging my life and find the physical body department is also demanding much of my attention. And because I am judging myself, I assume God is judging me as well. And obviously I must be such a disappointment and I need to be changed.

I'm not specifically sure about what he means by bringing me life, but I think he is talking about focus and perspective. I am focusing on issues, he is focusing on the bigger picture. I think he wants me to know what he has for me is life giving. It is free and abundant and overflowing! It is not a downward or inward look, it is an upward and outward look.

Lord, Jesus, take my chin in your hand and lift my gaze to you. Help me remember your good and perfect gifts are what you desire to give me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


What an appropriate subject for this month of October.

If you read my last post you know I am going through some struggles with tendinitis or specifically lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow.) As I have been going to physical therapy two to three times a week over the course of the last month I find myself bringing up the subject that I at one time had Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a very debilitating syndrome with muscle pain throughout the entire body. I began to realize that I was being haunted. If you think about it what does being haunted mean? Isn't it being harassed by the spirit of someone (or something) who (that) has died?

I may have had Fibromyalgia, but I was healed from it by the power of God through a healing service. I haven't had it since that time over 13 or 14 years ago. Yet every time I have an aching muscle or even go in for a massage I allow it to haunt me. I speak of it as if it may be lurking somewhere in this house which is my body.

I began to think about what other "spirits" I have allowed to haunt me. What parts of the "old man" that were put to death in Jesus Christ, do I have wandering the halls of my mind, harassing my thoughts. I think its time to take account and exorcise those "spirits" and be free from their influence. What's dead is dead and it is the truth of Jesus' victory over death, over sin, and his rightful authority over disease - it is this truth that sets me free.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Compare - Compete - Compassion

What brings me to these three words? I have been working through an injury the last few months and I have noticed how people respond to my situation, and in turn, how I respond to their response.

We, in general, have learned that we should have compassion for those who are hurting or less fortunate than ourselves. But how do we express that? In my experience it looks like comparison. I say I'm on light duty because of tendinitis and you say I have had that, or I have this or that. And what was meant to be compassion now feels like competition. And what does competition do? Now I have to be on the offence, or on the defense, and  all I really want is to be done with the stupid pain and get back to taking my health for granted.

I think I must add a fourth "c" - Complain! So now that I feel I'm in a competition as to who has it the worst, I must begin the "woe-is-me" saga and with it be labeled a whiner. I therefore have lost the competition altogether and am feeling alone and unsatisfied.

I'm not sure I know how to get compassion, let alone how to give compassion. I'm sure I will learn. In the meantime I will try to suffer quietly and not complain. I know I've exaggerated slightly just to reveal the feelings behind the words, but I'm guessing you may know what I mean.