Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tattooed for Life

On my recent trip to Hawaii to see my daughter get married, my family took a little side trip to get tattoo's. As I watched three of my children subject themselves to the painful pen of the tattoo artist, I contemplated again what I might want permanently etched on my skin. I had thought many times about what I might breakdown and get - a butterfly, a cross, even an eagle soaring across my shoulders - it had to be meaningful - something timeless.

But then I knew -  I had discovered when my last daughter was born that if I took the first letters of my first four kids names and the middle initial of my last daughter's name it spelled the word "grace". Not a perfect formula  but one not only to represent my loved ones but also God's grace of which I am forever grateful. The third meaning for me started with my own birth - "Tuesday's child is full of grace". I have loved to dance since I was a child, not with training, but, from the heart. That's all I want, that's all I need.

So what does that have to do with Opening the Creative Door? Surprisingly to me, I suddenly feel inspired every time I look over my shoulder into the mirror. I feel more graceful and more thankful for the grace I have received. I am ready to express that thankfulness in dance before my Savior. And I am ready to share my story of grace.

The Trouble with Creativity

Most people I know who would consider themselves creative, including myself, tend also to be moody and often times depressed. This is why I am calling this site Opening the Creative Door. It is my attempt to unlock the vast amount of creativity I have locked inside me, and in the process, hopefully, inspire others to push past the mental obstacles keeping them from expressing that creativity.

I know one obstacle will be the fear of being judged. My grammar and spelling may not be perfect and my content may not relate to everyone but . . . here goes!

Let me introduce myself - my name is Sandy, I am a 53 year old mother of 5 grown children, grandmother of 3. I work in a grocery store and I am very much a believer in the saving grace of Jesus. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 34 years. All of these things are wonderful, but, I have yet to achieve - me. What I mean by that is I want to write, to dance, to create. I have written songs and even had a few performed at church. I have written many poems, yet none have been published. I have a desire to create even more, but life is full and when I have free time, I am easily overwhelmed. Starting, stopping, giving up - I recognize there is a fire inside me that longs to burn brightly and I have grown tired of seeing it quenched!